How to do fire assaying with cupellation furnace and fusion furnace

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Fire assaying, in chemical analysis, process of determining proportions of metal thru cupellation furnace and fusion furnace, particularly precious metal, in ores and metallurgical products. The most important technique, still used today, grew largely out of the experiments of the ancient alchemists and goldsmiths in seeking to find or create precious metals by subjecting base metals and minerals to heat. More sophisticated methods, such as spectrographic analysis, are not suited to assaying precious metal ores because of the large sample required; precious metals tend to occur as scattered particles randomly distributed, so that a large sample of the ore must be taken. Such large samples—typically containing gold, silver, and lead—can be most economically assayed by the fire method, which usually consists of six steps:


1. Sampling: a representative proportion is taken.


2. Fusion: the sample is melted in a crucible with suitable fluxes by fusion furnace and other agents so that droplets of lead collect the precious metal and descend through the sample in the crucible. The lead alloy is cooled to produce a metallic “button,” and the slag is discarded.


3. Cupellation: the button is melted in an oxidizing atmosphere in order to oxidize impurities, including lead and other metals. The silver and gold melts and dissolves the other precious metals in cupellation furnace, forming a “bead” of silver, gold, and platinum metals sometimes referred to as dore.


4. Weighing: the bead is weighed to determine the total of gold and silver (the platinum metals are present in too little quantity to affect the measurement).


5. Parting: the bead is treated with hot dilute nitric acid to dissolve out the silver. If the gold content of the bead is known to exceed 25 percent, its concentration is first reduced by adding silver in a procedure known as inquartation.


6. Weighing: the remnant of gold is weighed and subtracted from the gold-silver bead weight to give the weight of silver.


If platinum, palladium, or rhodium are present, they dissolve in the molten lead and are collected in the gold-silver bead after cupellation. Their concentration in the gold after parting can be determined by arc spectrography. If iridium is present, it forms a black deposit that clings to the doré bead. Osmium and ruthenium, on the other hand, are largely lost during cupellation; if their presence is suspected, chemical methods instead of fire analysis are used.


Fire-assaying methods are also used to determine easily reducible base metals such as lead, bismuth, tin, antimony, and copper. The main equipment is fire assay cupellation furnace and fusion furnace.