
HT 1800 vertical vacuum tube Crystal growing furnace is a 1650°C max Bridgman furnace for thermoelectric material SnSe Single Crystal Growth, directional solidification of Polycrystalline Ingots up to 37mm diameter. Three individual controlled heating modules & speed adjustable cooling fans at vacuum tube furnace exit provide advantages to creating larger temp. The gradient at the melt/crystal interface as needed. An automatic crucible retrieving system enables the most convenient way for sample loading/unloading.
Basic Specifications of Bridgman furnace:
Advanced Features Bridgman crystal growing furnace
- Three stacked heating modules with independent temperature measurement and control enable the flexibility of creating various temperature gradients along the length of the heated area;
- Two-speed adjustable cooling fans with TC at the exit of the furnace allow better control over the temperature gradient at the melt/crystal interface;
- 42mm Alumina sample pulling stage with TC attachment for accurate temperature monitoring of the crucible on top and generate instant temperature plot;
- Electric elevated crucible stage enables an automatic and convenient sample loading / retrieving;
Power Requirements, 220VAC single phase 50/60Hz, 9.5KW
Working Temperature
Heating Element: by MoSi2 heating elements
Max. Working Temperature: 1700°C ( <1hr)
Continuous Operating Temperature: 1600°C
Processing Tube & Flange
- High purity alumina furnace tube, Size: φ80mm O.D. x 74 mm ID x 1000mm L (or OD 100 / ID 90 mm)
- A pair of stainless steel flange is connected to both end of the processing tube which allows for inert gas purging or vacuum during the crystal growing process
Sample Stage
- OD 42X40mm H Alumina Sample Stage
- B type thermocouple insert from the bottom of the sample stage for accurate temperature measurement of the crucible
Crucible Retrieving Mechanism
- Automatic sample retrieving system for easy crucible loading/unloading,
- 700mm max. travel distance
Heating Zones of Bridgman crystal growing furnace
- Three heating zones with independent temperature measurement and control
- Three zones: 300mm (12") long in total,
Temperature Control
- Three PID temp. controller with 30 programmable segments for precise control of heating, cooling rate and dwell time.
- Built-in overheating & broken thermocouple protection.
- European Temperature controller, with +/- 0.1 ºC temperature accuracy.
- Three B type thermocouples (one for each zone).
Cooling Fans One speed adjustable cooling fans are installed at the bottom exit of the furnace
Furnace Travel Distance & Speed of Bridgman furnace.
- As the furnace heater moves upward, the crucible is moving toward the bottom exit of the furnace where the lower temperature is seen.
- The maximum travel distance of the furnace heater is 200 mm.
- Travel speed: 0.03-3 mm/hr
Vacuum Pump (Not included)
- 10E-2 torr via dual-stage mechanical vacuum pump (bottom right picture)
- 10E-5 torr via Turbopump (bottom left picture)
- The vacuum pump is optional. Please click here to choose a vacuum pump.
- For oxygen-sensitive material, suggest using recirculating gas purification system ( < 1 ppm) to replace turbopump
Compliance & Warranty of Bridgman furnace.
- One year limited warranty except MoSi2 heating elements, furnace tube, thermocouple.
- For single crystal growth, the rotation of the crucible stage is needed, an additional cost will apply. Please contact our engineering team for more information.
- A board selection of crucible materials: Boron Nitride, Alumina, Zirconia, Graphite Crucible.
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